Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Round1 Phase2 Days 7 & 8

2/13/12 R1P2D7

Down 0.2 = 12.4 total

Today has been a week and so far it has been pretty least easier than I thought it would be. I'm on day 3 of my TOM and ready for it to be over so that I can see bigger losses. Not that I'm unhappy with the small ones. Better than nothing.

So far I have had no REAL desire to cheat. I feel that if you have enough of a desire to truly lose then that should stop you. Ryan and I are going to a wedding next weekend with an open bar. He will probably have a drink. I may have a piece of cheese or something. I'm going to do my best to stick to the diet with what they have to offer. I'm not packing a dinner for a fomal wedding.

I can't wait to move down a pant size.

2/14/12 R1P2D8

Down 0.5 = 12.9 total

Here is to a chocolate free Valentine's Day! Still moving downward during my TOM. That's a win in my book. My pants feel looser. It's almost time to measure again.

I have to remember to keep up on my water intake. I will start tracking my water with stars at the bottom of each post. Each little star will mean 20 oz. of water.

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