Wednesday, March 28, 2012

OMNI Drops Diet Journal Loading Phase 1

2/4/12 Day 1 Loading

We woke up to a sunshiney day so instead of heading to the Cheesecake Factory in Seattle we decided to head to the ocean. I plan on writing down everything we eat during the loading phase. I bet the list will look crazy.

1 piece of wheat bread with artichoke dip
20 oz. 4 shot blended mocha
Jack in the Box Extreme Sausage sandwich
3 potato things
1 raspberry cream horn
1 strawberry danish
1 Big Mac
1 regular fry
4 chicken nuggets
1 divinity cookie
1 Vitamin water
1/2 a package of beef jerkey
3 pieces of pizza
1 glass of milk
1 package of Raisenettes
4 cheese curds
1 gallon of water

We both felt full all day. At times we felt oddly hungry but after a bite or two felt stuffed again. Tomorrow will be harder.

2/5/12 Day 2 Loading

Woke up still feeling full. By the time I cooked breakfast my stomach was grumbling a bit.

Today's list:
Fried Potatoes
1 Cheese Jalapeno roll with cream cheese
1 Chicken Gordita Supreme
20 oz. 4 shot blended mocha
1 Whopper
10 cookies
A handful of celery
1 glass of milk
12 shrimp
2 pieces of garlic bread with artichoke dip

It weird to have to eat so much when the goal is to lose weight but you have to load good to lose good.

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