Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's time to tree hunt!

Every year my Dad's side of our family gets together on the first Saturday of December. Our purpose? Tree hunting, a cookie exchange, and my Bampa's amazing chili.

We meet at the tree farm, collect a candy cane from Bampa, and then head to the fields, where each family searches to find their perfect tree. I love seeing each family's pick, everybody has their own prefrence. Our family has always gone with a douglas fir. Now that Ryan and I are a family of our own we tend to lean toward a Grand Fir. It is a tree native to the northwest. It looks a lot like a douglas fir but it's needles are a darker shade of green with silvery undersides.

When everyone has their trees loaded and secure we head to Mamma and Bampa's. There waiting on the stove for us is my Bampa's chili that has been cooking for 3 days. I only get to have it once a year, so I eat until I'm full.

7 women bake two types of sweets for the cookie exchange. So when everything is said and done each family goes home with 14 dozen cookies and some of Bampa's fudge.

I can't wait to decorate our tree. I'll post pictures of the finished product.

This is how my family kicks off the Christmas season. Feel free to share stories of your own with me. My two recipes for this year's exchange are posted above.


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