Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Are we really in competition?

I often find myself wondering why some feel the need to make everything a competition. I feel no need to keep up with the Jones'. I love my husband, our home, and my job. I have a wonderful family that can be a bit crazy at times, but whose isn't? I love the people I call my true friends. And above all else I love God and Jesus Christ.

People want to talk about other people. It's just how it is. When I talk about what may be going on in someone's life it's out of curiosity. But there is a fine line between curiosity and gossip. We should never pretend to understand the issues someone else is dealing with. If I'm willing to say something about someone without them being present know that I'm willing to say it to their face. It's a respect we all deserve and something people should try to do more of. A little honesty never hurt anyone.

No one has the right to judge another's life and how they live it. Judgement should be left to someone who is infinitely more qualified. God. He alone has the right to judge how I live my life. He can judge how I do or don't spend my time. Because I know that when good things happen to me, all glory goes to him.

I may not go to church every weekend but that doesn't mean I don't have a personal relationship with God. I try to live by the values that he sets for us in his word. Remember, he said, 'Where two or more are gathered in my name there will I(God) be also.' Mark18:20 My goals in life are to bring joy to those around me, help those who are in need, and to let others know that I believe if we give control to God he is the only one who can steer us in the right direction.

So please forgive me if I don't understand people who sit in judgement on others. People who walk through life casting stones when they themselves live in a glass house. I know that I am not prefect. I've yet to meet anyone who is. I think that everyone would benefit from taking a good look at themselves in the mirror before judging the life of someone else.

A bit of a ramble but it's what I have running through my head today.


1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that
one does not really possess.

2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.